Sunday, January 4, 2009

Eh-hem, easy Duke- the funny thing about asparagus is that...


  1. it's better than coffee.....

  2. My dad's step brother lives in Norfolk (England). A couple years ago, I popped out to the house for a traditional Sunday roast: loads of gin, roast beef, gin and the largest stalks of asparagus I'd ever laid my eyes on. Asparagus the size of redwoods, yet still soft and delicious. I went on and on about this BRITISH Duke of Windsor-worthy asparagus for months. Then my British grocery importer friend broke my heart and told me I'd been there in the off season and that it totally came from Spain.

  3. That's a great story HH. My favorite thing about England is staying in Covent Garden and trolling the shops and side streets for days on end. I really enjoy your blog- it's part of my daily routine.


